Well, what do I say? I wanted to write in depth about this concert because it deserves that kind of justice. From beginning to end, it was basically magical. I would not have called myself a fan of Michael Franti, but that has all changed.
He played at Deer Valley Resort in Park City last week.
My friend Mimi invited me to a soundcheck/lunch she won from a radio station. I blindly followed, not really knowing what to expect.
I want to hesitate to say "it was my favorite concer EVER!!!!" because in the back of my mind I wonder if there is another concert from the past that I'm overlooking. It's not unlike me to fall head over heels with live music and obsess over it for the following week. But...maybe I'll be bold and make that statement. It was (probably) my favorite concert. Ever. So far.
The day began when Mimi and I drove up the canyon on a boiling summer afternoon discussing death and funerals. We got lost when we got to Deer Valley, but eventually located our venue after I got help from the hotel clerk. We arrived, met up with her friend Lyndsee, got a free boxed lunch and sat down among about 15 other radio winners to watch the sound check. The bass was rumbling in my chest, the venue was breath-taking, I hadn't realized it was going to be like this. I knew then that it was ON.
In the middle of a song, Michael and the band slowly started walking out from the stage onto the grass where we were sitting.
This lady in pink was REALLY excited about all that was happening around her.
I don't know what it is. Everytime I meet someone "famous" I turn into a gargoyle looking thing for the picture. When I got up to him, I felt stupid. I hate meeting "famous" people. But he kissed my head and pulled me in and spoke softly to me...to everyone that he met. We met a few members of Spearhead (the band), too, they were so genuine and kind. I thought they would just be like, "OH HI", but they stopped to shake my hand, look me in the eye, and talk. Of course none of us talked, just melted and blubbered out compliments then trotted away....ha.
After the soundcheck, we made a beer run and bought skirts at the most convenient store we could find -- Rite Aid. :) I sorely needed to get out of my work clothes, so I got a long skirt that I wore as a dress. Not the first time in my life to do that. ;) And yes I did end up tripping over it and flashing everybody on accident later in the night. Also not a first time in my life.
Mimi went to dance with "green dress girl", I forgot why we picked her out of the crowd, but we did, and she was brave/drunk enough to dance while I photographed from safety. LOL. She danced and ran away and green dress watched her flee with a sad look on her face.
Jimmy Cliff opened...amazing.I LOVED her beer cozy..!
Waiting in line. We came prepared. Well, Lyndsee did. And was kind enough to share the wealth.
These guys had cool dreads. I didn't want to touch them because I was afraid their woman would get the wrong idea, but Mimi is fearless.Lyndsee and her friend Winston
Let the second concert begin!

This type of music will effortlessly cause most live bodies to move, it’s just a natural reaction. Everyone was dancing with everyone, as the night went on strangers turned to friends/dancing buddies. Everyone around us was so kind and so happy. Mid-concert Michael came out to the crowd yet again (hella denser this time) and played a few songs at the back of the amphitheatre so the latecomers could have an intimate concert too. That is when the sky began slightly sprinkling erratically. For the closing song, they played the most popular "Say Hey (I Love You)"... (all of his songs are feelgood soulshine type, but this one is probably the most feelgood soulshine song of EVER) he invited children and old people up on stage with him. At one point in the song a couple jumped up on stage and the dude proposed. She said yes and they stayed on stage dancing so feverishly to the music. It started to rain harder at this point. I stopped bouncing around for a second to watch the newly engaged couple move so passionately and blissfully together, still on the stage, and almost started crying, it was such a sweet moment for them, for us all, to share. The song went on, and the sky emptied itself without restraint all over us. We continued to dance and sing, soaked and slippery. We threw a little fort together with the blanket to protect our electronics, and the moment the concert was over we hastily drew together our soggy belongings and scampered for the safety of the Subaru (mostly because we were worried about my camera). As we were running I suddenly felt a tug and a sudden extra weight at the bottom of the blanket that I was holding, but I didn’t bother to look at what it was since it was dark and there were so many distractions. When I got into the car, I pulled the blanket up to see what the weight dangling at the end of it was and it was my clutch with all my stuff in it – iPhone, debit card, drivers license, etc. Holy crap. I can’t believe it fell out of the camera case I was carrying it in and somehow snagged on the blanket on it’s way to the ground. Had it fallen to the ground and I had lost it, it would have spoiled my experience of this night…but it didn’t! It further reinforced my love and appreciation for it all.
It’s been like 10 days and the high from this concert still hasn’t completely worn off.
And yeah, I carry the laptop around my house blaring Michael Franti.
I also listen to him all day at work.
I think I'm obsessed!
Thank you for this memory.