B.J. and I bought a new camera yesterday on a sort of premeditated whim. It's a pretty monumental time in my life, I've wanted this camera for years. Now that I actually have it, I feel bashful. I don't quite know what to do with it, how to press the right buttons, to extract the world of qualities it contains. I'll learn, though. Watch. In the meantime, I took some shots around the house on mostly auto yesterday and what turned out even on simple auto pleased me, so I thought I’d share.
Halloween decoration that has become a permanent fixture in the office closet. It has the body of a moth and it is vile.
Her teething (we presume? no other symptoms) fever persists. Day 2. Look at those flushed little cheekies!*
Zoe's magnets. Incredibly only two are missing. One, I understand, got sucked up in Aaron's vacuum.
Money tree. The only potted plant that has survived us for nearly three years.
Baby cilantro growing up on the kitchen window ledge.
These two photos are from the mini-garden B.J. planted for me a couple weeks ago. :)
I have the prettiest of lab rats/models for testing this device out. Go me.
I love how chubby she is in this picture.
This one is a little blurry, I think I snapped it before it had time to focus due to excitement that I, for a commemorative instant, accomplished the feat of getting her to look at mama! look at the camera!
Faithful tulips that spring up in backyard every year. The only evidence that exists that testifies the former inhabitants of our home did something more than eat Hershey Kisses and set out rat poisoning. Check out the grass BJ planted! The patchwork is finally mingling for the bigger picture.
Skeleton leaf.
Zoe's hair. Pictured in the background are her favorite shoes. (Pink Jellie sandals)
Rapattoni Lion dude.
*Zoe finally offered me a brief glimpse into the covert workshop of her mouth (eff, she's so offended if you touch her mouth or try to look in it) She is teething four, possibly six teeth. On top: her left and right first molars. It appears as though her canines may also be coming in, but they seem a little far back so it may just be an extra ridge of the molars poking through. On bottom: her left and right lower lateral incisors are currently tearing through her gums. She’s had a fever up to 103.1 for the past 48 hours. Up until now, she has teethed gracefully – teeth furtively appearing in without much ado. She is clearly suffering right now and it crushes my soul. The last couple nights I’ve been up and down, rocking her blazing little head against my chest, all through the night.
I hadn't previously believed that teething could cause a fever this high. I’m confused by the adamant attitudes from any source of information about whether teething causes fevers or not, but there's not much else this could be. She has no other symptoms, and once the Motrin kicks in she is her regular self.
If it doesn't let up by tomorrow, we will get it checked at the doctor to rule out a UTI or ear infection.
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