18 May 2010

Liberty Park

We rested in the grass under a tree after a lot of swinging and dog chasing and toiling against toddler strength to keep her out of the scummy lake.  She jumped up on my tummy and started bouncing, which makes me squeal.  It kind of tickles.  I'm glad I got a picture of it before she started blowing massive snot bubbles out of her nostril.  We both laughed a lot, and I looked up to see a stranger walking by smiling at the sight.

Chasing the seagull.  The seagull was like, uh...nice try, I have wings.  Peace out. And flapped away.


Bailey Family said...

looks like you have been out having all sorts of fun in the nice weather and getting to spend it with zoe girl. Darling pictures!! I LOVE how messy she got at the zoo, haha dont you just love these little monkey's? They bring such joy that I never thought was possible. We need to meet up at a park or something or go on an outing to see each other! Miss ya lots! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog from mothers day, it was a day where I needed it so thanks for your cute post! love ya!

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I guess you're just what I needed.

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I guess you're just what I needed.