30 March 2010
On a Sunday.
Posted by Jenny at 2:17 PM 0 comments
26 March 2010
Yesterday evening I fed her one of her favorite meals for dinner -- yogurt and green apples. She started growing impatient with me and insisted she could feed herself, so I surrendered and let her have her independence. The following videos are classic hilarity (if you are her parent).
Posted by Jenny at 10:46 AM 0 comments
25 March 2010
Guilty Pleasures
I read that on a coffee cup this week. I liked it. It gave the many vices in my life meaning and hope.
So let's hop to it. Here are some of my latest vices/guilty pleasures:
Posted by Jenny at 4:17 PM 1 comments
24 March 2010
Zoe began walking more than a timid step this week. With a boisterous fan base to back her, she gained the inspiration to do her little Frankenstein shuffle. It’s the cutest thing ever. I feel like she has had the ability to walk for awhile now, but lacked the incentive – why walk when you can carry on your life of mobility via the comfort of crawling? I'll tell you why. This lady is a SHOW OFF. When she is around other kids in her age range that can walk, she is clearly duty-bound to walk too, and play it off as if she's been doing it all her life -- even if that means proudly setting out on her feet to run and instantaneously collapse (in a surprisingly controlled, graceful manner, no face plants or total wreckages). I think it took finally getting the balancing act right on her tiny little feet (she is still wearing 6 month size shoes!). She picked up on it quickly once she had a taste of it. Ivia betted she'd be walking by the end of the month and I didn't buy it, but I have been pleasantly surprised. :)
She’s probably considered a late walker? She turned 13 months yesterday.
We are so proud of our baby girl.
Posted by Jenny at 9:40 AM 1 comments
20 March 2010
Hi Spring, I love you.
Posted by Jenny at 9:10 PM 0 comments
18 March 2010
The best chicken fajitas of my life
•1/4 cup fresh squeezed lime juice (approx. 3 limes. bottled lime juice stuff doesn't count. it wont cut the strong vinegar taste the way fresh will and the product will taste off. i know this from experience.)
•2 tsp. kosher salt
•1 tbsp. chili powder
•1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes. I do a full tsp. because we like it hot.
•1/2 cup red wine vinegar
•2 tbsp dark soy sauce (I substitue with Braggs liquid amino to bring the sodium down, tastes the same and it's much healthier!)
•1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped roughly.
Other stuff:
1 red bell pepper, chopped into strips lengthwise
1 green bell pepper, chopped into strips lengthwise
1/3 red onion, sliced lengthwise (1/4 in. thick)
2 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves, cut into strips lengthwise
Put all ingredients in ziplock bag and shake. Place in fridge to marinate for a few hours. Yesterday I made this before work then cooked it around 6:30PM and it was more glorious than it's ever been, but it's also yummy after marinating for just a couple hours.
I pour the entire bag out in a large (heated @ medium heat) saucepan coated with a tbsp. olive oil and let it cook in it's juices. If juice is in excess after meat and veggies are thoroughly cooked, extract before serving.
Spoon on warm flour tortilla (prep six small fajita size tortillas), serve with salsa (Harmon's Spicy salsa is what we love), sour cream, and shredded cheese.
I know, traditionally they should be grilled, but it's cold outside. And even on the stovetop they turn out sooo good, and I'm not usually a fajita fan. I wouldn't be posting it if I wasn't proud of it, since the picture for it sucks. Just trust me on this one.
Posted by Jenny at 12:03 PM 0 comments
St. Patrick's Day
Posted by Jenny at 10:43 AM 1 comments
17 March 2010
Oh Spring, you fickle friend...
At last -- Spring came around yesterday after standing us up all weekend -- leaving us to sit around indoors, grieving the day for not living up to the reprieve from winter the sunny weather leading into it had promised.

Posted by Jenny at 10:02 AM 2 comments
10 March 2010
Spring chick
Back to abusing the roll of thin mint girl scout cookies on my desk and gulping coffee, wishing my brain would shut off.
Posted by Jenny at 10:49 AM 1 comments
09 March 2010
"And that's what I've been looking for...the bridge from then to now"
Unprompted by anything, I started listening to an old favorite of mine this morning – Saul Williams, and reliving the feelings his music/slam poetry wires me with. It makes me think about my life at age 20-23, before I (re)met BJ and a new direction ascertained itself in my life. I remember Cody and I checking-out early 90’s slam poetry from the library and watching it fanatically. I remember sitting at the Nuyorican Poets Café in New York City with Jaclyn, intimidated by being the only white girls in sight, or Tost in Seattle with Taylor -- paralyzed by the intensity and brilliance of slam poetry. I used to write. I used to like writing, and I wasn’t terrible at it. Then I stopped. I stopped appreciating other people’s writing. Everything started feeling uninspired, second-hand, or pretentious. I felt ashamed for reserving my time for, what I started viewing as, a self-indulgent act.
There are times I lament these years of traveling, bouncing around relationships, partying, avoiding organized-education, spending every dime I made on fun, writing, etc. I truly lived by the mantra "live like there's no tomorrow", and I am paying for it now. ;) I could have been working on a career, laying out safety nets for my future family, but then I remember I didn't WANT a family at the time, I didn't care about money as long as I had enough to hop a plane or dine out every night. How drastically my life changed in the past few years, and it pulled all my strings with it. My path had not deviated; I swerved onto an utterly paradoxical one. I am still recovering from feeling like a person split down the middle. For the past few years I have felt like there were two parts I got to play by having two sets of people in my life -- the ones that knew me before, and the ones that met me through BJ. The gap is slowly closing, the contrast not so bright. I get down on myself about where I am right now (financially, career-wise) until I look around me and see people that followed the straight and narrow right out of high school and find many of them with a provincial attitude that is not my nature. That life was not for me, it would have tortured me the whole way here. I never thought the life I lead now would be mine, I never saw it coming. It’s taken a lot of adjusting, adapting, and a lot of faith, but I am happier than I ever remember being. I LOVE my life. I am proud of it, I love my friends and family, I love my daughter and my husband, positivity comes naturally now -- it's a survival method, and I feel successful in so many ways. I am proud to have lived the years that came before and how they have shaped me, guided me to where I am now. I hope this will make me a better mom to Zoe, more accepting and open-minded about certain things (and if nothing else I will have some stories about her mother that might blow her mind a little)-- and I hope Zoe can have the experiences I did -- or at least feel like she has the choice to make her own decisions and experience life on her own terms, as I did, rather than live within the boxes much of the society in Utah will pressure her to occupy. I guess what makes me happy is that we all have a choice, and nothing is ever set in stone.
I am constantly reminding myself that there is still time to live. I’m only 26. Sometimes I feel so old and fear that I’ve wasted too much time to advance my life in certain fields and provide for the bigger family that I now desire to have.
Anyway, here is some Saul Williams lyrics that are quite inspiring and brilliant to me, especially reuniting with them at this point in my life.
That changes by the hour
Has Come.
Posted by Jenny at 10:51 AM 2 comments
08 March 2010
Awards Gala
Posted by Jenny at 9:56 AM 1 comments
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- On a Sunday.
- Yesterday evening I fed her one of her favorite me...
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- Hi Spring, I love you.
- The best chicken fajitas of my life
- St. Patrick's Day
- Oh Spring, you fickle friend...
- Spring chick
- "And that's what I've been looking for...the bridg...
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- On a Sunday.
- Yesterday evening I fed her one of her favorite me...
- Guilty Pleasures
- Milestones
- Hi Spring, I love you.
- The best chicken fajitas of my life
- St. Patrick's Day
- Oh Spring, you fickle friend...
- Spring chick
- "And that's what I've been looking for...the bridg...
- Awards Gala
- Comfort...
- Infectious