Friday night BJ and I gussied up and left the Zobot with sis in law Jill. It felt a little invigorating to be an adult couple that does adult things instead of parents for an evening; our relationship was waiting for it. It is still difficult for me to go out without her (I always feel guilty and miss her and think about her the whole time anyway. My social life is pathetic), but this particlar night was so needed. Every year the trade association I work for holds an award ceremony for Realtors. Last year we missed it since Zoe was fresh on this planet. It's a very classy evening in the University of Utah stadium. I never realized what an extravagant banquet hall it opens into, and the view of a twinkling downtown SLC against massive snowy mountains was breath-taking. It was also refreshing to spend time with my co-workers and my family in an atmosphere of camaraderie and intermingle with the Realtors we work for. And the entire night of food and drinks was free...! We are such freeloaders. The board was gracious to invite their staff and let us feel like royalty for an evening.
Please close the eyes to obnoxious face I'm making. I might have had some white wine on an empty stomach.
Unbelievable view...sigh.
Co-workers: Amanda (& husband), my sister Michelle, Jon.
Co-workers: Emily, Nate, Brandy.
My accounting parter in crime -- Carisa, and her friend.
Bryan Kohler -- CEO of the SLBR. He was nervous right before his speech.
Co-workers: Dave and Jared.
Bill Heiner (2010 President and super cool guy) and my Mom.
My dad being a social butterfly.
Purdy stuff.
Distinguished Award Receipients
Emily won the staff award.
me and the beautiful Brandy.
Family. (I had to lighten this cause it was really dark.)
If only Michelle was Mormon, this might be her husband...! Harhar.
I don't think your dress was slutty at all. I was waiting and hoping you would put pictures up of your fun night. It looks like so much fun. I totally know what you mean about leaving Zoe. Craig gets so mad because anytime we get the chance to go out it is a big deal for me to leave. Now that I have 2 kids it is going to be even harder. Maybe it is a mother thing. Only a mother would understand!
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