Zoe began walking more than a timid step this week. With a boisterous fan base to back her, she gained the inspiration to do her little Frankenstein shuffle. It’s the cutest thing ever. I feel like she has had the ability to walk for awhile now, but lacked the incentive – why walk when you can carry on your life of mobility via the comfort of crawling? I'll tell you why. This lady is a SHOW OFF. When she is around other kids in her age range that can walk, she is clearly duty-bound to walk too, and play it off as if she's been doing it all her life -- even if that means proudly setting out on her feet to run and instantaneously collapse (in a surprisingly controlled, graceful manner, no face plants or total wreckages). I think it took finally getting the balancing act right on her tiny little feet (she is still wearing 6 month size shoes!). She picked up on it quickly once she had a taste of it. Ivia betted she'd be walking by the end of the month and I didn't buy it, but I have been pleasantly surprised. :)
She’s probably considered a late walker? She turned 13 months yesterday.
We are so proud of our baby girl.
6 days ago
Yay!! I am so proud of her too :) How exciting for Zoe!!!
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